LEGO 71701 Kai's Fire Dragon 

LEGO Audio & Braille Building Instructions for the LEGO NINJAGO Legacy set "Kai's Fire Dragon".

This set includes Kai and his Fire Dragon in a battle against Lord Garmadon. Beware as the evil Lord Garmadon tries to snatch the Sword of Rire away from the Fire Temple!

On the box cover you can see Kai flying his red Fire Dragon while battling Lord Garmadon.

Open the box. This can be tricky; ask someone to help you!

The box contains a booklet with visual building instructions and 2 bags with bricks. Ask a sighted person to help you find the correct bag!

Open bag 1, and any smaller bags in it. This bag contains all bricks and pieces for the Kai Minifigure and the Fire Dragon. Before you start building, ask a sighted person to help you sort the bricks by color. This way, finding the correct piece will be much faster!

First, we will build the Kai Minifigure.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 bright red pair of legs,

and 1 bright red and black upper part of the body.

Put the upper part on top of the legs.

Kai is wearing a ninja suit that is printed with a golden dragon.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 bright yellow head,

and 1 bright red and maroon red Ninjago mask.

Put the head on top of the upper part.

Put the mask on the head.

Find 1 warm gold ninja sword.

Put it in his hand.

You have finished building the Kai Minifigure. Great job, his sword is very sharp!

In the next section we will build the Fire Dragon.

Find 1 maroon red inverted brick 4x10x1 with 2 holes on side.

Put it horizontally on the table.

Find 2 black bricks 2x2.

Put both in the lower section of the previous piece.

Find 1 bright yellow plate 1x2 with hinge stub on long side.

Put it vertically on the leftmost edge of the structure, stub to the left.

Find 1 bright red angled plate 3x4 with side wings.

Put it on top of the previous piece, wings to the right.

Find 2 bright red flat tiles 1x2.

Put one horizontally to the right of the previous piece on the front row.

Repeat symmetrically at the back.

Collect the following 3 pieces:

1 bright yellow plate 2x2,

and 2 dark stone grey plates 1x2 with ball on long side.

Put 1 plate 1x2 with ball horizontally to the right of the previous piece, ball overhanging to the back.

Repeat symmetrically at the front, ball overhanging to the front.

Put the plate 2x2 between the two previous pieces.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 black plate 1x2 with angled top handle,

and 1 maroon red smooth roof tile 1x2x⅔.

Put plate 1x2 with angled top handle vertically on the third column from the left, handle to the left.

Put the roof tile vertically on the leftmost column of the structure, slope to the right.

Find 1 bright red plate 2x2 with middle bottom tube 1m.

Put it on the rightmost column of the structure, tube and 1 column overhanging to the right.

Find 1 maroon red smooth roof tile 1x2x⅔.

Put it vertically to the right of the 2x2 plate on the top middle of the structure, slope to the right.

Find 1 bright red angled plate 3x4 with side wings.

Put it to the right of the previous piece, wings to the left.

Find 1 black connector peg with middle friction ring.

Put it in the tube on the right side of the structure.

Find 2 bright red plates with bows 2x2 and 2 knobs.

Put one on top of the plate 1x2 with ball on the front row of the structure, bow to the front.

Repeat symmetrically at the back, bow to the back.

The body of the dragon is now done. Great job!

Now, let's make the head of the dragon.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 bright red dragon jaw,

and 1 bright red dragon head.

Put the head on the jaw; use the inside connectors.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 bright red brick 1x1 with 1 front and 1 back knob,

and 1 transparent bright orange dragon's fire.

Put the shaft of the dragon's fire into one of the side knobs.

Mount the fire inside the dragon's mouth with the other side knob.

The head of the dragon is finished!

Mount the dragon head on the connector on the right side of the dragon body.

Now let's build the dragon's tail.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 black brick 1x2 with hinge fork and stub on short sides,

and 1 flame yellowish orange flap 2x8 with hinge fork.

Put the flap 2x8 on the side hinge stub of the brick 1x2.

Find 1 bright red plate 1x2 with top roof tile, 45°.

Put it horizontally on top of the brick 1x2, slope to the right.

Mount the tail on the hinge stub on the left side of the dragon body.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 bright red right animal leg,

and 1 bright red left animal leg.

Put the right leg on the hole on the front left of the structure.

Repeat symmetrically at the back.

Now we will build the dragon's left wing.

Find 1 black a-shaped plate with 8 knobs, 45°.

Put it horizontally on the table, narrow side to the right, wide opening to the left.

Find 1 transparent bright orange plate 1x2.

Put it horizontally on the back row on the right edge.

Find 1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side.

Put it on the front row on the right edge, ball cup to the front.

Find 2 bright red plates 1x2 with hinge stub on short side.

Put 1 horizontally to the left, stub to the left.

Repeat symmetrically at the back.

Find 2 maroon red flat tiles 1x4.

Put 1 horizontally on the front row.

Repeat symmetrically at the back.

Find 2 flame yellowish orange flaps 2x8 with hinge fork.

Put them on the hinge stubs on the left side.

Mount the ball cup of the wing on the ball at the back of the body.

Now let's build the other wing.

Find 1 black a-shaped plate with 8 knobs, 45°.

Put it horizontally on the table, narrow side to the right, wide opening to the left.

Find 1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side.

Put it horizontally on the back row on the right edge, ball cup to the back.

Find 1 transparent bright orange plate 1x2.

Put it horizontally on the front row on the right edge.

Find 2 bright red plates 1x2 with hinge stub on short side.

Put 1 to the left of the previous piece, stub to the left.

Repeat symmetrically at the back, stub to the left.

Find 2 maroon red flat tiles 1x4.

Put 1 horizontally on the back row.

Repeat symmetrically on the front row.

Find 2 flame yellowish orange flaps 2x8 with hinge fork.

Put one on the hinge stub on the front left of the structure.

Repeat symmetrically on the back left.

The wing is now done. Great job!

Mount the ball cup of the wing on the ball at the front of the body structure.

Open bag 2, and any smaller bags in it. This bag contains all bricks and pieces for the Lord Garmadon Minifigure and the Fire Temple. Have the bricks sorted by color again if you like.

Now, we will build the Lord Garmadon Minifigure.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 black upper part of the body,

and 1 black pair of legs.

Put the upper part on the legs.

Collect the following 2 pieces:

1 black head,

and 1 black samurai helmet with clasp.

Put the head on the body.

Put the helmet on the head.

Find 1 white bone.

Put it into the clasp on top of the helmet.

Find 1 reddish brown stick with ring, 6 knobs long.

Put it in his hand.

Lord Garmadon is now done. Good job!

Next, we will build the Fire Temple.

Find 1 dark green plate 4x8.

Put it horizontally on the table.

Find 1 black fence element 1x4x2 with shafts and top knobs.

Put it horizontally in the middle of the back row.

Find 2 medium stone grey roof tiles 2x3, 45°.

Put one vertically to the left of the previous piece, slope to the left.

Repeat symmetrically on the right.

Find 1 bright red flat tile 1x2.

Put it horizontally centered in front of the fence element.

Find 1 dark stone grey plate 2x2 with 1 knob.

Put it in front of the previous piece.

Find 2 bright red bricks 1x2x5.

Put one vertically on the backmost 2 knobs of the roof tile on the left.

Repeat symmetrically on the right.

Next up, we will build the roof of the Fire Temple.

Find 1 black plate 2x8.

Put it horizontally on the table.

Find 2 black smooth roof tiles 1x2x⅔.

Put one vertically on the leftmost column, slope to the left.

Repeat symmetrically on the right.

Mount the roof horizontally on top of the pillars of the temple.

Now, let's make the sign of the Fire Temple.

Find 1 bright red brick 1x2x2 with 4 side knobs.

Put it horizontally on the table, side knobs to the front.

Find 1 warm gold round tile 2x2.

Put it upright on the side knobs of the previous piece.

This piece is decorated with a golden dragon.

Find 1 black flat tile 1x4.

Put it horizontally on top, symmetrically overhanging to the left and right.

Mount the icon centered on the first row of the temple roof, icon to the front.

Find 1 dark brown stick with knob and tube.

Find 1 transparent bright orange feather.

Put the feather into the knob of the previous piece.

Put the torch on the roof tile on the left of the temple.

Now we will make a torch for the other side.

Find 1 dark brown stick with knob and tube.

Find 1 transparent bright orange feather.

Put the feather into the knob of the previous piece.

Put the torch on the roof tile on the right of the temple.

Find 1 warm gold Sword of Fire.

Insert its handle into the knob at the middle front of the temple.

The fire temple is now finished. Great job.

Finally, we will make some of the dragon fire that is lying around.

Find 2 transparent bright orange curved disks 2x2.

Put them on the table, knobs to the top.

Find 2 transparent bright orange nose cones 1x1.

Put one in the middle of each disk.

Find 2 transparent bright orange flames with 5 fire tongues.

Insert them into the nose cones.

Now the fire is ready for Kai's Fire Dragon to battle Lord Garmadon. Make sure that Lord Garmadon doesn't get hold of the Sword of Fire!
