LEGO 60428 Space Construction Mech
LEGO Audio & Braille Building Instructions for the LEGO City Space set "Space Construction Mech".
You're inside the space mech, expertly guiding it across the rugged, brown terrain. The floodlights cut through the darkness, revealing jagged rocks ahead. You swing the mech's hammer arm down, smashing the stone. A faint purple glow emerges from the cracks - lilac energy crystals, glittering and rare. With precision, you strike again, shattering the rock to reveal the shimmering crystals fully. The mysterious purple glow from the nearby abyss pulses faintly, but your focus remains on the valuable crystals in front of you. This is the adventure that's awaiting you. Are you ready to start building?
The box cover shows an interstellar scene: the space crew has landed on extraterrestrial terrain and is now exploring the rugged landscape on a brown stone-like ground. The space crew Minifigure is expertly handling the mech, currently using the mech's hammer arm to extract the valuable energy crystals hidden on this planet from brown rock. The sought after energy crystals are a transparent glittery shade of lilac. Beautiful and extraordinary! The mech itself is a functional and flexible space exploration suit. Its base colors are grey, black and white, and it has some reddish orange features too. It is equipped with floodlights, and a total of six ball joints for maximum maneuverability and a firm stance in outer space. At the back of the scene, the construction robot is approaching the mech to help with excavating the valuable raw material. The mech is standing in front of an abyss, emanating a mysterious purple glow. The starry sky is the backdrop of this unique scene in outer space. Who knows what other adventures are waiting for our space explorers? Let's find out and start building!
Open the box. This can be tricky; ask someone to help you!
The box contains 1 booklet with visual building instructions, 3 unnumbered bags, and 1 sheet with 4 identical stickers.
Carefully open all bags.
Before you start building, ask a sighted person to help you sort the pieces by color. This makes finding the correct pieces even easier!
First, we will build the space crew Minifigure.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 earth blue and white pair of legs,
and 1 white, flame yellowish orange and earth blue upper part of the body.
Put the upper body on the legs.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 flame yellowish orange shoulder and chest plate,
and 1 bright yellow Minifigure head.
Put the shoulder and chest plate around the neck. Make sure that the narrow printed side is to the front and the broad back plate with knobs is to the back.
Put the head on the body. The face print shows a friendly face with black features. The space crew member has a thin black beard framing his mouth and chin.
Now, we will assemble the space helmet.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 transparent helmet visor,
and 1 flame yellowish orange space helmet.
Snap the visor into the opening of the helmet. Use the tiny nubs on the inside of the visor ends and the small indentations on the helmet.
Put the space helmet on the Minifigure's head.
The space crew Minifigure is finished! Great job! His white suit with orange sleeves and navy blue gloves has navy blue, silver metallic and golden features: The toe caps are silver with dark grooves. The belt is navy blue with a golden buckle. The chest and crotch areas are protected by blue protective plates with golden riveting and welding seams. There is a black horizontal stripe around the collarbones with the LEGO space logo: a reddish orange planet with a black outline and a black spaceship orbiting around it. The orange shoulder and chest plate also features a black horizontal stripe with the LEGO space logo prominently placed in the middle, and black reinforcement plating.
Now, we will build the space construction robot.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark stone grey multi-connector beam 3x3, (This piece is a thick 3x3 square with rounded edges and a lot of round holes.)
and 1 white connector peg 1m with knob. (1m means that this piece is about 1 knob long).
Put the multi-connector beam flat on the table. Make sure that its side holes are running from front to back. This means that the rounded edges without holes should be to the left and right.
Insert the connector peg from the top into the rightmost hole.
Find 2 white connector pegs 1m with knob.
Put 1 to the left of the previous piece.
Put the other one to the left of the previous piece.
If done correctly, these three pieces will form a horizontal row in the middle of the multi-beam's top surface.
Find 1 medium stone grey rounded plate 1x3.
Put it horizontally on the 3 previous pieces.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 white brick 1x1 with side knob and bottom foot,
and 1 transparent light blue round tile 1x1.
Put the brick 1x1 on the leftmost knob of the previous piece, side knob to the left.
Put the round tile 1x1 upright on the side knob of the previous piece.
Next, we build the first arm joint of the robot.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 white round brick 2x2 with sloped sides and 1 knob,
and 1 black round tile 1x1 with small top shaft.
Put the round brick 2x2 on the table, knob to the top.
Put the round tile 1x1 on top, shaft pointing to the top.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 bright yellow cross axle 3m, (3m means that this piece is around 3 knobs long)
and 1 dark stone grey brick 1x1 with side cross hole.
Pick up the structure from the previous step and tilt it to the left so that the small top shaft is pointing to the left.
Hold the cross axle horizontally and insert it into the round brick 2x2 coming from the right. The rest of the cross axle will stick out towards the right.
Again coming from the right, slide the cross hole of the brick 1x1 on the cross axle and push it all the way in until it touches the round brick 2x2.
If done correctly, 1/3 of the cross axle will still stick out towards the right.
The first arm joint is finished! Great job! Before we mount it, turn the robot structure we have built so far by 90 degrees so that the brick 1x1 with foot and round tile is facing you.
Mount the robot arm joint on the knob behind the brick 1x1 with foot and round tile, arm joint to the left, cross axle sticking out to the right.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 flame yellowish orange flat tile 1x2,
and 1 rectangular sticker 1x2. (Since all 4 stickers are identical and the sticker pattern is symmetrical, you can try to attach the sticker on your own! Ask a sighted person for help if you are not sure or if handling the stickers is too tricky.)
Put the flat tile 1x2 vertically on the table.
Put the rectangular sticker 1x2 on top, matching the shape of the flat tile.
The 4 stickers in this set are transparent, each with 3 bold diagonal black stripes across its long side.
Mount this piece vertically on top of the structure, starting from the front edge.
Next, we will build the second arm joint.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 white round brick 2x2 with sloped sides and 1 knob,
and 1 black round tile 1x1 with small top shaft.
Put the round brick 2x2 on the table.
Put the round tile with top shaft on top, shaft to the top.
Tilt this part to the right so that the top shaft is pointing to the right.
Coming from the right, put it on the cross axle of the first arm joint. You might have to press against the other arm joint while mounting. Push everything firmly together.
Next, we will build the drill arms of the robot.
Collect the following 4 pieces:
2 dark stone grey grippers 1x2 with small cube and clasp,
and 2 silver metallic twisted cones with small shaft. (These pieces resemble drill bits.)
Hold 1 gripper vertically, cube to the front, clasp to the back and clasp opening to the top.
Insert the shaft of 1 cone from the front into the cube. If done correctly, the cone is now pointing towards you.
Repeat with the two remaining pieces.
Keep the building orientation of the drill arms, meaning that the cone is pointing towards you with the clasp to the back and clasp opening to the top. Then, snap one clasp from the bottom on the arm joint shaft pointing to the left.
Repeat symmetrically on the left. If done correctly, the arms bend downwards from the arm joints.
Next, we build the robot's battery.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 pearl violet round brick 1x1,
and 1 white round tile 1x1. (This piece is printed.)
Put the round brick 1x1 on the table.
Put the round tile 1x1 on top. It is printed with a pale violet battery icon with a darker violet electricity bolt in the middle, showing the battery's state of charge.
The robot's battery is finished! Great job! Mount it on the backmost knob of the robot behind the tile 1x2 with sticker.
The space construction robot is finished! Well done! The robot is the electronic companion for your space endeavors. It is perfect for exploring new terrain, and the drill arms are great for energy crystal extraction.
Next, we will build a space rock with energy crystals.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark orange brick 1x1,
and 1 mud grey wedge plate 3x3 with cut-off corner.
Put the wedge plate on the table, cut-off corner to the front left, outer corner to the right back. Make sure that the knobs form straight rows and columns in front of you.
Put the brick 1x1 on the right back corner knob.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark orange brick 1x2,
and 1 mud grey roof tile 1x2, 45°.
Put the roof tile 1x2 horizontally to the left of the previous piece, slope to the left.
Put the brick 1x2 horizontally in front of the 2 previous pieces. The frontmost knob remains empty for now.
Find 1 dark orange plate 2x2 with 1 knob.
Put it on top of the 3 previous pieces.
Find 1 pearl violet energy crystal.
Put it on the frontmost knob.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 pearl violet energy crystal,
and 1 dark orange brick 1x2.
Put the brick 1x2 horizontally on the table.
Put the energy crystal on the right knob.
Mount this piece diagonally on top of the space rock structure, energy crystal to the back right.
The space rock with energy crystals is finished! Well done! The space construction robot can already begin excavating the first energy crystals.
Next, we will build the Space Construction Mech.
We will start with the upper part of the Mech's back structure. It will later be joined with the operator seat for the Minifigure.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black plate 2x6,
and 1 white plate 1x2 with vertical clasp on long side.
Put the plate 2x6 horizontally on the table.
Put the plate 1x2 horizontally centered on the back row, clasp to the back.
Find 1 medium stone grey plate 2x3.
Put it vertically in front of the previous piece, 2 rows overhanging to the front.
Collect the following 4 pieces:
2 dark stone grey plates 1x2 with ball on long side,
and 2 sand blue plates 1x2.
Put 1 plate 1x2 vertically to the right of the 2 previous pieces. This means it will sit on the second column from the right.
Put 1 plate 1x2 with side ball vertically to the right of the previous piece, ball overhanging to the right.
Repeat symmetrically on the left.
Find 1 black plate 2x6.
Put it horizontally on the 2 backmost rows. If done correctly, a 2x2 surface is still sticking out towards the front.
Collect the following 3 pieces:
2 pale ocher yellow plates 1x1 with horizontal side clasp,
and 1 black plate 1x2 with hinge stub on long side. (A hinge stub is the part of the hinge that is one singular tab. Do not confuse it with a hinge fork which has two serrated tabs.)
Put 1 plate 1x1 on the right knob in front of the previous piece, clasp to the right.
If done correctly, this piece will sit on the second row from the front.
Put the other one to the left of the previous piece, clasp to the left.
Put the plate 1x2 with hinge stub horizontally in front of the 2 previous pieces, hinge stub to the front.
Find 1 sand blue flat tile 2x4.
Put it vertically centered on the 2 middle columns of the structure.
This flat tile will later be the seatback of the mech!
Find 2 warm gold small tubes with shaft.
Snap 1 shaft into the clasp pointing to the right and fold the small tube forwards.
Repeat symmetrically on the left.
Now, we will build the floodlights.
Collect the following 4 pieces:
2 white roof tiles 2x2, 45°,
and 2 black rounded plates 1x2.
Put the roof tiles next to each other on the table.
Put 1 rounded plate on top of each roof tile.
Find 4 transparent light blue round tiles 1x1.
Use them to cover the 4 knobs of the 2 previous pieces.
The floodlights are finished! Mount 1 on the 4 leftmost knobs, slope to the right, rounded plate and round tiles forming a column on the left.
Repeat symmetrically on the right, slope to the left, rounded plate and round tiles forming a column on the right.
Next up, we will make a sub-part of the back structure.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 medium stone grey small rim with side groove and middle hole, (This is a cylindrical piece with a groove and a round hole in the middle)
and 1 black plate 2x2 with bottom connector.
Put the plate 2x2 upside down on the table, connector pointing to the top.
Put the rim on the connector.
Before you mount this sub-part, flip the structure upside down, keeping its horizontal orientation. Make sure that the protruding 2x2 structure with hinge stub is still pointing towards you.
Mount the sub-part on the 2x2 structure protruding towards you.
Find 1 black plate 2x2 with bottom connector.
Put it behind the sub-part we have just mounted.
Next up, we will build the battery holder.
Collect the following 3 pieces:
1 medium stone grey V-shaped technic beam with 3 round holes, (This is a small piece that basically consists of 3 connector bushings that are joined together at an angle),
and 2 white connector pegs 1m with knob.
Put the V-shaped technic beam flat on the table. Make sure that the middle hole is running from top to bottom and is the hole closest to you, and the other two holes are running from front to back at an angle. This means that the two branches of the V-shape are extending away from you.
Insert 1 connector peg from the front right into the hole on the right.
Insert the other connector peg from the front left into the hole on the left.
Find 2 white shafts 2m with middle stop.
Insert 1 from the front left into the previous piece, one half sticking out towards the front left.
Repeat symmetrically on the right.
The battery holder is finished! Great job! Now, turn the it by 180 degrees so that the 2 previous pieces are pointing to the back.
To mount it on the mech structure, put the empty middle hole of the battery holder from the top on the connector pointing to the top.
Next up, we will build the operator seat for the Minifigure.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black inverted double roof tile 2x4, 45°,
and 1 dark stone grey plate 1x2 with ball on long side.
Put the inverted double roof tile 2x4 vertically on the table, slopes to the front and back.
Put the plate 1x2 vertically centered on the left column, ball to the left. This means it will sit on the lower part of the left column.
Find another dark stone grey plate 1x2 with ball on long side.
Put it vertically to the right of the previous piece, ball to the right.
Find 1 sand blue engine bracket 2x4. (This piece has a lower 2x2 plate surface framed by 2 higher side blocks.)
Put it horizontally on the 2 previous pieces, side blocks overhanging to the left and right.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black plate 2x3,
and 1 bright red plate 1x2 with hinge fork.
Put the plate with hinge fork horizontally on the backmost row, hinge fork overhanging to the back.
Put the plate 2x3 vertically in front of the previous piece.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark stone grey smooth roof tile 1x2x⅔,
and 1 medium stone grey plate 2x3.
Put the smooth roof tile 1x2 horizontally on the frontmost row, slope to the front.
Put the plate 2x3 vertically behind the previous piece.
The operator seat for the Minifigure is finished! Great job! Make sure to keep it in its building orientation. Before you mount it, flip the main structure right side up again, keeping its horizontal orientation and making sure that the 2x2 structure with hinge stub is still protruding to the front. This will be a bit wobbly due to the battery holder.
Coming from the front, snap the hinge fork of the operator seat on the hinge stub of the main structure.
Fold up the larger part of the structure at the back so that the two parts form a right angle, making sure that the operator seat is touching the table. Now, the floodlights should be facing you. The flat tile 2x4 in the middle of the larger part is now upright; it will serve as the back rest of the operator seat. Now, it's time to build a roll cage for the Minifigure! Let's continue.
Next, we will build the roll cage.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black angled handlebar with bottom shaft,
and 1 black handle 2.5m with 2 end knobs. (This piece is about 2.5 knobs long.)
Put one end knob of the handle on the left end of the angled handlebar.
Find another black handle 2.5m with 2 end knobs.
Put it on the right end of the handlebar.
Find another black angled handlebar with bottom shaft.
Insert its 2 ends into the empty knobs of the 2 handles.
The roll cage is finished! Great job! Hold it vertically so that the 2 bottom shafts are at the front and back, pointing to the bottom.
Snap the bottom shaft at the back into the clasp pointing to the top on the topmost surface of the structure. Make sure the roll cage is extending towards the front. You can fold it up and down as needed.
Next, we will build the first leg of the mech. We will start with the foot.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black stepped plate 2x2 with 2 side knobs,
and 1 white profile brick 1x2.
Put the stepped plate 2x2 on the table, side knobs to the front.
Put the profile brick 1x2 horizontally on the back row, vertical profile lines to the front.
Find 1 sand blue plate 1x2.
Put it horizontally in front of the previous piece.
Find 1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side.
Put it horizontally on top of the previous piece, ball cup to the front.
Now, we will make a sub-part of the mech's foot.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 white roof tile 2x2, 45°,
and 1 reddish orange half-circle tile 1x2.
Put the roof tile 2x2 on the table, slope to the front.
Put the half-circle tile 1x2 horizontally on top, half circle to the front.
Find 1 rectangular sticker 1x2. (Any of the 4 identical stickers can be used. You can also skip the next sentence to continue without the sticker for now.)
Put it horizontally on the slope of the roof tile, starting from the slope's top edge.
The sub-part of the foot is finished! Mount it on top of the main foot structure, slope to the front (this means the slope should have the same orientation as the 2 side knobs and the ball cup).
Find 1 black inverted roof tile 2x2, 45°.
Before you mount it, tilt the foot structure so that its back surface touches the table. Now, the ball cup should be pointing to the top. Next, turn the foot structure horizontally so that the half-circle tile 1x2 is pointing to the left.
Mount the inverted roof tile upright on the 2x2 surface on the right side, slope running from the top edge towards the bottom.
Find 1 sand blue ingot 1x2.
Put it vertically on the 2 knobs at the top surface.
Next, we will build the upper limb of the leg.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black plate 2x3,
and 1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side.
Put the plate 2x3 vertically on the table.
Put the plate 1x2 horizontally on the backmost row, ball cup to the back.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark stone grey plate 1x2 with ball on long side,
and 1 black plate 1x2 with horizontal clasp on short side.
Put the plate with clasp horizontally in front of the previous piece, clasp to the left.
Put the plate with ball horizontally in front of the previous piece, ball overhanging to the front.
Find 1 black plate 2x3.
Put it vertically on top of the 3 previous pieces.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark stone grey round tile 2x2,
and 1 dark stone grey rounded plate 1x1 with side shaft.
Put the round tile 2x2 on the 4 backmost knobs, leaving the frontmost row empty.
Flip the rounded plate 1x1 upright, knob pointing to the left, shaft towards you.
Snap the shaft into the clasp pointing to the left, rounded plate touching the back left side surface.
The upper limb of the leg is finished! Great job! Flip it upright so that its ball is pointing to the bottom and the round tile 2x2 is towards you. Snap the ball into the ball cup of the foot.
The first leg of the mech is finished! Great job! Snap the ball cup at its top into the ball on the right side of the operator seat. If done correctly, the foot's half-circle plate is pointing to the front, and the round plate 2x2 on the upper limb is pointing to the right.
You can later adjust the ball joints of the leg as needed. Of course, the mech cannot stand on only one leg. Put it aside and let's continue building!
Now, we will build the second leg of the mech.
The legs are identical, but mirrored, so pay close attention to the orientation of the leg parts.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black stepped plate 2x2 with 2 side knobs,
and 1 white profile brick 1x2.
Put the stepped plate 2x2 on the table, side knobs to the front.
Put the profile brick 1x2 horizontally on the back row, vertical profile lines to the front.
Find 1 sand blue plate 1x2.
Put it horizontally in front of the previous piece.
Find 1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side.
Put it horizontally on top of the previous piece, ball cup to the front.
Now, we will make a sub-part of the foot.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 white roof tile 2x2, 45°,
and 1 reddish orange half-circle tile 1x2.
Put the roof tile 2x2 on the table, slope to the front.
Put the half-circle tile 1x2 horizontally on top, half circle to the front.
Find 1 rectangular sticker 1x2. (Any of the 4 identical stickers can be used. You can also skip the next sentence to continue without the sticker for now.)
Put it horizontally on the slope of the roof tile, starting from the slope's top edge.
The sub-part of the foot is finished! Mount it on top of the foot structure, slope to the front (meaning it has the same orientation as the side knobs and the ball cup).
Find 1 black inverted roof tile 2x2, 45°.
Tilt the foot structure so that its back surface touches the table. Now, the ball cup should be pointing to the top. Next, turn the foot structure horizontally so that the half-circle tile 1x2 is pointing to the left.
Mount the inverted roof tile upright on the right side surface, slope running from the top edge towards the bottom.
Find 1 sand blue ingot 1x2.
Put it vertically on the 2 knobs at the top.
Next up, we will build the upper limb of the leg.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 black plate 2x3,
and 1 dark stone grey plate 1x2 with ball on long side.
Put the plate 2x3 vertically on the table.
Put the plate 1x2 horizontally on the backmost row, ball to the back.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side,
and 1 black plate 1x2 with horizontal clasp on short side.
Put the plate with clasp horizontally in front of the previous piece, clasp to the left.
Put the plate with ball cup horizontally in front of the previous piece, ball cup to the front.
Find 1 black plate 2x3.
Put it vertically on top of the 3 previous pieces.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark stone grey round tile 2x2,
and 1 dark stone grey rounded plate 1x1 with side shaft.
Put the round tile 2x2 on the 4 frontmost knobs, leaving the backmost row empty.
Flip the rounded plate 1x1 upright, knob pointing to the left, but this time shaft to the back.
Snap the shaft into the clasp on the left side, rounded plate touching the front left side surface.
The upper limb of the leg is finished! Well done! Flip it upright, ball cup to the top, round plate 2x2 pointing to the back, rounded plate with shaft to the left. Snap the ball at the bottom into the foot's ball cup.
The second leg of the mech is finished! Well done! Snap its ball cup into the ball on the left side of the operator seat.
Make sure that both half-circle plates on the feet are pointing to the front and the round plates 2x2 on the upper limbs are pointing outwards. Fold both legs down so that the soles of the feet are touching the table. Adjust the joints of the legs and give the mech a stable stance.
Great job, the mech is really coming to life now! Only a few more elements to build! You are doing great!
Next, we will build the hammer arm of the mech.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 medium stone grey plate 2x3,
and 1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side.
Put the plate 2x3 horizontally on the table.
Put the plate 1x2 vertically on the rightmost column, ball cup to the right.
Find 2 medium stone grey plates 1x2 with top tube.
Put 1 horizontally on the back row to the left of the previous piece, tube to the left.
Put the other one horizontally in front of the previous piece, tube to the left.
Find 1 white flat tile 2x2. (This piece is printed.)
Put it on top of the 3 previous pieces. This white tile is printed with the LEGO space logo: a reddish brown planet with a black outline and a black spaceship orbiting it.
Next, we will build the arm axle.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 white round brick 2x2 with sloped sides and 1 knob,
and 1 black cross axle 6m. (6m means that this piece is 6 knobs long.)
Hold the round brick upright, knob pointing to the left.
Insert the cross axle from the right into the brick, cross axle sticking out towards the right.
The arm axle is finished! Insert the cross axle from the back into the 2 tubes, round brick sticking out towards the back, cross axle sticking out towards the front.
This is a loose fit! The cross axle needs to be able to move freely to give the hammer arm the necessary flexibility and momentum.
Now, we will make another sub-part of the hammer arm.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark stone grey cross axle extension 2m, (this is a tube-like element with a cross hole)
and 1 bright red cross axle 2m with 2 grooves.
Coming from the right, insert half of the cross axle 2m into the cross axle extension. Make sure that the other half of the cross axle is sticking out towards the right.
The sub-part of the hammer arm is finished! Put the empty half of the cross axle extension on the cross axle sticking out towards the front. Now, the smaller cross axle of the sub-part is sticking out towards the front.
The hammer arm of the mech is finished! Well done! Snap the ball cup from the left onto the left ball in the top section of the mech, round brick 2x2 towards the back.
Now, we will assemble the hammer head.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 medium stone grey stepped plate 2x2 with 2 side knobs,
and 1 medium stone grey brick 1x2 with side cross hole.
Put the stepped plate 2x2 on the table, side knobs to the front.
Put the brick 1x2 horizontally on the back row.
Find 1 sand blue plate 1x2.
Put it horizontally in front of the previous piece.
Find 1 sand blue one-stepped curve tile 2x2.
Put it on the 2 previous pieces, curve to the front.
Find 1 rectangular sticker 1x2. (Any of the 4 identical stickers can be used. To continue without the sticker for now, skip the next sentence.)
Put it horizontally on the front half of the previous piece.
Find 2 sand blue smooth roof tiles 1x1 with overhanging top tile 1x1.
Flip one upright, smooth surfaces towards you. Turn it horizontally so that the overhanging top tile is pointing to the left.
Mount the overhanging top tile 1x1 on the right side knob, sloped part overhanging to the right and to the back.
Repeat symmetrically on the left.
The hammer head is finished! Well done! Insert the arm's cross axle tip into the cross hole at the back of the hammer head.
Next, we will build the claw arm of the mech.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 medium stone grey plate 1x2 with ball cup on long side,
and 1 medium stone grey plate 2x3.
Put the plate 2x3 horizontally on the table.
Put the plate 1x2 vertically on the leftmost column, ball cup to the left.
Find 2 medium stone grey plates 1x2 with top tube.
Put 1 horizontally on the back row to the right of the previous piece, tube to the right.
Put the other one horizontally in front of the previous piece, tube to the right.
Find 1 white flat tile 2x2. (This piece is printed.)
Put it on the 3 previous pieces. It is printed with the LEGO Space logo again, consisting of a red planet with a black outline and a black spaceship orbiting it.
Next up, let's make a sub-part of the claw arm.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 dark stone grey cross axle extension 2m,
and 1 bright blue connector peg 2m with cross axle pin.
Hold the cross axle extension horizontally, and insert the cross axle pin from the left into the extension, connector peg sticking out towards the left.
Collect the following 2 pieces:
1 medium stone grey brick 1x2 with side cross hole,
and 1 bright red cross axle 2m with 2 grooves.
Insert the cross axle 2m into the extension from the right, one half sticking out towards the right.
Hold the brick vertically, and slide its cross hole on the cross axle coming from the right.
The sub-part of the claw arm is finished! Insert its connector peg from the front into the front tube on the arm structure.
If done correctly, the brick 1x2 is now oriented horizontally, sticking out towards the front.
Find 1 medium stone grey round plate 2x2.
Put its 2 back knobs underneath the brick 1x2 of the previous step, one half protruding to the front.
Find 1 dark stone grey rounded double plate 1x2 with connecting shafts.
Put it horizontally on the front row of the previous piece.
Find 1 reddish orange round tile 2x2 with middle hole.
Put it on the 4 remaining knobs.
Find 2 dark stone grey grippers 1x2 with small cube and clasp.
Snap the clasp of 1 gripper into the double plate shaft on the right, gripper bending towards the right, small cube to the front.
Repeat symmetrically on the left, gripper bending towards the left, cube to the front.
The claw arm of the mech is finished! Great job! Snap its ball cup on the ball in the top section of the mech.
Next, we will build 2 one-cell batteries.
Collect the following 4 pieces:
2 white round tiles 1x1, (these pieces are printed)
and 2 pearl violet round bricks 1x1.
Put the round tiles on the round bricks. The tiles are printed with the battery icon again.
The one-cell batteries are finished! Well done! Mount them on the 2 angled holes of the battery holder at the back of the mech.
The Space Construction Mech is finished! Well done! Fold up the roll cage and seat the space crew Minifigure on the operator seat. Close the roll cage again and adjust arms and legs as desired.
You have finished building the entire set! Fantastic job! Now it is time to embark on your space adventures: mount the space mech, make sure that your construction robot and the mech have sufficient battery capacity, and start your hunt for the valuable energy crystals. Use the mech's hammer hand for heavy-duty work and let the construction robot drill out the crystals. Use the claw arm to pick apart rocks and crystals.